Wednesday, February 25, 2009

fat tuesday

i think she won.

i don't think sandbar
has ever seen so many titties,
and neither has shane.

Monday, February 23, 2009

sad sob story

apparently i threw up all over my ipod
and now it doesn't work.

i'm a sad, sad girl.
someone fix it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

back in action.

fan plan was last night
&&a tons of fun.
i go to vegas in like 2 wks!!!
&&i'm still working like a crazy person.

click 4 more

Sunday, February 15, 2009

reflecting on the day(s).

apparently myspace thinks my blog is explicit.

i have missed kevin more than a little bit;
i believe this is a thing called love.

i bought new glasses and then proceeded to go out
and get drunk off of three beers. whut?

Monday, February 9, 2009

as always, this is as good as it gets.

q: why me?
a: b/c you saw me when i was invisible.

i'm starting to think ppl only like
the party version of me.

and do you know what i have to say about that


i'm tired of people thinking they know what's best for me.
i don't need any other father figures.
i just need a friend,
who doesn't think they have to pay me
when we hang out.

at least i'll be in vegas in a month.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

it's been a while (since i posted not the staind song)

i've been very unmotivated lately.
and tired for no reason.
working like i have no sense
and i can't remember the last time i got ready
to go someplace other than work.
i started making these for my work:

3 out of 97+ isn't bad.
haha. SIKE.
i don't know if it's what they had in mind
but OH WELL.

my weekend will probably be full of
paper cuts and glitter all over my body.
maybe a trip to richmond too.
i can't decide. on anything.
my mom tried teaching me some very
inappropriate phrases in thai.
things i can't even say on here
or outloud to you in person.

i feel like i need to go out.
tonight i really wanted to go get a drink.
saturday will be one month of sobriety.

this post is pretty boring. :/
ill work on more interestings things to say
for next time.
(even if i have to make things up.)

you know you love me,

Sunday, February 1, 2009

you people are all sick.

&&i don't want the flu.
glad i stayed in this weekend. hah!

i need to get out more.
mikey booked vegas. so i'm out of here
march 9th-14th!
and then mates of state in april!
and matt and kim and girl talk
and then bonnaroo!!!!!

spring is looking so good right now.
i can hardly contain myself.
i think tomorrow when that boy comes into class
i'm gonna give a wink and a smile.
okay, really! i know he's gonna come in when i'm doing
something really unattractive like blowing my nose
but whatever.
i want someone new to come shake things up.
i've become a ghost with my old acquaintances
&&i need to be revived!

i need a new life force.
now where is it hiding?